Saturday, January 21, 2012

Barbie TV anchor props seen on toy shelf

The journalist in me is geeking out over this Barbie role-play set. I think the little girls who play dressup would like it. It's about $16.

I didn't buy one today. I kept thinking that I could get a doll or a couple of dresses for the same amount of money and what would I do with this?

But maybe I will get one anyway.

I do have an African-American TV Anchor Barbie doll and I really do shoot video from time to time at work (my Youtube channel is monroeonabudget and I have shot some of the pieces at the monroenews account).

Here's the front of the box as seen at Wal-Mart in Monroe, Mich., on Jan. 21.

Did you notice that there's a press pass included with the camera and microphone? Nice touch.

Here's the back of the box:

Monday, January 2, 2012